Mazal Tov, Hershy and Salome Worch

Tuesday, 3rd Sivan, 5766, May 30th, 2006
We've waited for so long for this moment, along with all your sweet and holy friends, praying for this combination of high mitzvoth, from pidion shvuyim (redemption of captives) to chupah and kidushin, and all the mitzvoth in between.
Now, when the danger is lifted and Salome is among us in America, safe at last, it's time to rejoice.
May God bless you with many years of happiness and wealth.
Yori, Nancy and Yarden Yanover
Please consider this your invitation to join us at our Jewish Wedding ceremony 7:00 PM, Tuesday May 30th Cong. Tiferet Israel, 6336 North Lincoln Ave, (cor. Drake) Chicago, IL 60659 We would be honored by your presence and the opportunity to dance and rejoice with you. Yours truly, J. Hershy & Salome Worch |
Salome was born and raised in Tehran, Iran.
Looks nice! Awesome content. Good job guys.
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