Wednesday, April 26, 2006

I Did My Civic Duty Thing and It Cost Me Next to Nothing



Yesterday, my wife and I come back from our health walk in the East River Park, and as we’re crossing the pedestrian bridge over the FDR Drive, we see two workmen on an impossibly tall, tram-worthy cherry picker, hosing the side of the Williamsburg Bridge with enormous force.
I’m quite dense on environmental issues, but my wife spotted the problem right away: “They should be covered up, they can’t just let all that [expletive] spray out to the street,” she said. Indeed, the [expletive] was overflowing, ripe with exhaust soot, led, seagull droppings and whatnot.

My call to the 311 office landed me on a 10-minute hold. So I called our local community board 3 office instead and explained the problem. They were responsive, intelligent and swift. This morning I’m coming back from my health walk and voila – the cherry picker was covered up in blue plastic sheets.

Thank you, thank you, I was just trying to do the right thing. Thank you. No, thank you!


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